The Agency
& Freedom Of Work

Editorial Design

Work is a major aspect of every person’s adult life, contributing to about a third of the time they spend living. Yet little effort goes into developing a human-centred work environment. In my thesis project at Pratt Institute, I  explored the concept of work through a multi-faceted approach and documented the various outcomes. 

The research and its findings were documented in a 100+ page book, designed with an academic journal in mind while subverting its professional tone with playful design elements and typography.

Alex Liebergesell
Tom Klinkowstein
Jean Brennan

The identifier for the brand is inspired by valves. Apart from being a part of an industrial landscape, the valve also represents control. 

Photo by Kevin Butz (Unsplash) 

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I am a Graphic Designer, Photographer & Art Director from Mumbai, India. 


Brand & Identity Design

Website & UI Design

Editorial Design

Environmental Graphics & Wayfinding

Photography & Art Direction


Interested in working together? Feel free to reach out and discuss your ideas to see what we can bring to life.

© Soham Khadatare 2024

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